Taking some practical advise from Jane Fonda will transform your body and give you the wow factor you want!
Let's face it, most people are busy. Between ever lengthening work weeks needed to make ends meet, the demands of kids, marriage and much needed self care, people are finding it harder and harder to take time out to visit the gym and workout.
In the 1980's, Jane Fonda released her iconic workout series on video and it helped people time constraints and uneasiness about going to the gym. Buying the videos was only the first step in transforming and getting the ultimate wow body. Making the time to watch and participate in the workout was always the most important part. Jane Fonda showed the world through her videos that long and streneous workouts in crowded gyms were not the only way to get the body you want, but she also proved how important consistency and commitment are the easy way to get the body you want.
Go for the burn!
Many of Jane Fonda's workouts incorporated aerobics concepts which are designed to increase the heart rate and also contribute to body toning. Increasing the heart rate contributes to the "burn" feeling. According to MD Anderson Cancer Center's website, "getting your heart to beat faster trains your body to move oxygen and blood to your muscles more efficiently, helps you burn more calories and lowers your cholesterol."
Cardio and aerobics are an important part of any workout routine for people who wish to make the most gains as fast as possible. These concepts can be easily incorporated into any workout plan. How and when to perform these movements will depend heavily on the specific goals of the person.
Can't overstate consistency! (the easy way to get the body you want)
Having a workout plan and knowing the importance of an increased heart rate during excersize is important, but being inconsistent is the best way to minimize or erase any gains that may otherwise have been made. According to Jane Fonda,"the absolute minimum for effective exercise is three times a week on alternate days for at least half an hour!” Using this method will not only help keep the muscles stimulated but also help prioritise getting adequate rest in between. Resting is an important part of any workout routine and should be included as part of the routine. This gives the body time to heal and regenerate muscle tissue, which may decrease the risk of overuse, which will deplete muscle growth over time.
Although staying consistent is one of the most important aspects of body transformation goals, it can be one of the most difficult. Utilising a personal trainer, keeping a calender, or joining a peer group are a few ways people have effectively kept themselves accountable and remained consistent about showing up to work out. Whether at home or in the gym, showing up is the key.
"The absolute minimum for effective exercise is three times a week on alternate days for at least half an hour!” – Jane Fonda
The Fonda Factor
With her success during the 1980's and beyond, Jane Fonda taught us many things about fitness, but mainly we are able to see how taking some practical advise from Jane Fonda will transform your body and give you the wow factor you want. By making sure to push the body in terms of increasing the heart rate and taking time out to remain consistent in our approach, we will maximise our gains. Whether we are seeking to lose weight, build muscle, tone the body, or compete in a sport, these are the guaranteed ways to make getting results as easy as possible.
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